Archiwum 22 czerwca 2005

Bez tytułu
Autor: diable
22 czerwca 2005, 18:12

pekam. ty tez czasem?


Depression is a fire that burns us from within

Depression is also said to be about “anger turned inward”. This idea is very useful. If the person in the last paragraph has felt like a victim, unable to fight back effectively if at all, then the anger at those who have done the hurting, and those who did not help, has nowhere to go. The sadness at a life of negative expectations, negative thoughts and a lack of pleasure and purpose is bad enough. Add to that the idea that anger is like a fire in a fireplace with a closed chimney; the heat and smoke spoil the home. A person with predominantly this form of depression might end up feeling as though, with such negative thoughts and feelings, he or she doesn’t deserve to even try to be happy. So this person will add their own punishment to the punishment they have already endured.


jestesmy razem dwa lata (dzisiaj dokladnie stuknelo), dam sobie uciac moj ulubiony palec u stopy, ze nawet 5 minut nie poswiecil na to aby dowiedziec sie co i jak bywa ze mna. nawet nie prosze, o pomoc.  chcialabym tylko, zeby rozumial, staral sie zrozumiec. zeby mnie nie obwinial i nie dolewal poczucia winy do ognia.

wszystko kiedys sie konczy.