we kinda bonded.. bonded?!!?... how many...

Autor: diable
13 czerwca 2005, 03:24

i am shocked at the depth of simpson fabula.it is unbelievable how many sugestions and clues u can fit in a few second skit.

albo ktos strasznie zmutowanie puka do drzwi albo ktos strasznie biega po korytarzu. albo mam cos nie tak ze sluchem.

ah my god. that cup just moved.


law and order; special victims unit is by far the best tv series. ciarki mi przechodza na mysl o tym filmie. nie, ze straszny tylko po prostu niesamowicie swietny.

when producing movies for small children, consider a re-make of previous generation's (parent-generation) popular story. 
the parent is the one who ultimately makes the decision on 'what movie to see'.
why not go for a low blow:
tickel the parent's memory. 
'oh, i watched that when i was my sons/doughter's age!'
in commercials, make sure to bring that up. play a part of the original movie,

wlasnie mi sie pomyslalo. bedzie tu bo inaczej nie zostanie w pamieci. jutro przeczytam i zobacze.

alez alez co za niezaufanie do siebie! oh ah,

oh, how they mock us! (the people in control, ones who own media,as an example). and how where what? in our favorite tv shows. i mean what do we laugh at? stupid people doin stupid things, right? people having tv as a god and allpowerfull force.


reklamy sa prawdziwa sztuka nasxzego wieku. zobaczycie, za ilesdziesiatset lat, nasz wiek bedzie wiekiem odkrycia sztuki w reklamie.



scielam wlosy do btrody. i missed the freedom of shorter hair ;

i know that one of these days im gonna overdose on my daily candy. i just hope that day its far far away.

15 czerwca 2005
14 czerwca 2005
nie pisz w obcym języku, na szaro i z zygzakami. Postpostmodernizm?

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